Welcome to the Lukenya University ODEL (Open, Distance, and E-Learning) FAQ page! your go-to resource for answers to commonly asked questions about our diverse range of programs and services.

At Lukenya University, we are committed to providing accessible and flexible education opportunities to students from all walks of life. Whether you're interested in pursuing studies in Education and Social Sciences, Agriculture, Technical Studies and Natural Sciences, Business and Economics, or exploring short professional courses like Graphic Design, Cyber Security, Leadership Skills, and many more, our ODEL program offers a dynamic platform to achieve your academic and professional goals.

Here, you'll find comprehensive information tailored to address your inquiries and guide you through your ODEL journey with us. Explore the categories below to discover everything you need to know about our programs, admissions, support services, and more.
Admission and Enrollment
Courses and Programs
Quick Links:
Fee Structure
E - Learning Platform E - Library Student Portal
Intake Periods:

January Intake
May Intake
September Intake
Modes of Study:

Full Time
Application Form
Visit the Lukenya University website and navigate to the ODEL section.
Review the available programs under the School of Education and Social Sciences, School of Agriculture, Technical
Studies and Natural Sciences, School of Business and Economics, or short professional courses.
Click on the program you're interested in to view detailed information about admission requirements, duration, and
Complete the online application form by providing accurate personal and academic information.
Upload any required supporting documents, such as academic transcripts, identification documents, and
Submit your application and keep track of your application status through the admissions office.
Once your application is processed, you will receive further communication regarding any additional steps required,
such as interviews or entrance examinations.
Upon successful admission, proceed with the enrollment process as guided by the university's admission office.
How do I apply for admission to the ODEL program?
How do I access course materials online?
Login to the Lukenya University eLearning platform using your provided username and password. If you are a new
user, you may need to register first.
Once logged in, navigate to the 'Courses' or 'My Courses' section of the platform. Here, you will find a list of all
the courses you are enrolled in.
Click on the course title to enter the course page. You will see various sections, including 'Course Materials,'
'Assignments,' 'Discussions,' etc.
To access course materials, click on the 'Course Materials' or similar section. Depending on the course structure,
you may find lecture notes, slides, readings, videos, and other resources organized by modules or topics.
Browse through the available materials and click on the respective links to view or download them to your device.
Tuition Fees and Payment
What are the modes of payment for tuition fees?
Bank Transfer: You can transfer the tuition fees directly from your bank account to the university's designated bank
account. Details of the university's bank account, including account number and routing information, will be provided on
the invoice or payment instructions. Please ensure to include your student ID or other identifying information in the
transaction reference to facilitate timely processing.
Mobile Money: If you prefer mobile payment options, you may be able to pay tuition fees using mobile money platforms
such as M-Pesa, Airtel Money, or similar services. Simply initiate the payment transaction through your mobile wallet,
following the prompts to enter the university's payment details or paybill number provided by the institution.
Remember to retain the transaction confirmation for reference purposes.
Installment Plans: For students facing financial constraints, Lukenya University may offer installment payment plans to
spread out the tuition fees over multiple payments. Contact the university's finance office or student support services
to inquire about available installment options and eligibility criteria.
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